3rd Trimester

Pregnancy Ain't Pretty...

   ***Warning: This is fairly gross, but all too normal, and WAY TMI!***

   Over the past couple of weeks, I've had a light green discharge. I did some research on the subject and decided to call my doctor on Friday (2/20), as it could be a number of things, some potentially dangerous. Doc didn't have any openings and advised me to go to the E.R. right away (SCARY!).

   Upon arrival, E.R. sent me to L&D (SCARY! round 2). L&D nurses took three internal cultures, one to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid, one to test for chlamydia, and one to see if there's an infection. The amniotic fluid and chlymidia came back negative (a no brainer), but we have to wait for the results of the bacterial culture. After the tests came back, and the nurse had talked to my doctor, they sent me on my merry (worried) way.

   I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through something similar like this and what the results were. This is our second and I thought I was prepared for almost anything. Turns out, I was wrong. My first pregnancy was such a breeze compared to this "bump in the road." I've had healthy urine samples and check ups throughout my pregnancy so I don't know exactly what's going on.

   Can anyone help answer????

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