Babies: 0 - 3 Months

MIL vent

I'm sitting here and can't sleep because I am so offended by my MIL. What's the deal with MIL's changing after a baby is born? We use to get along great. She was so wonderful and I considered myself lucky to have such a wonderful MIL. Now it's almost like she has changed into a completely different person. I honestly don't think I'm being over sensitive. The comments and attitude make me not want to ask her for anything. What's funny is that the rude comments are not reserved to things related to the baby. It seems like it's a personal attack against me. Wow, who is this women and where did she come from. It almost feels like she is just waiting for something to go wrong so she can blame it on me and accuse me of being a bad mother. Before I was part of the family and now I am an outsider.

 She actually made the comment, that she was tired because "us people who work, get tired early." She acts like I'm just sitting at home, hanging out.  From the day I got home from the hospital after a c-section, she began saying that our LO needs to go outside for a walk and if I WON'T do it, she will. Excuse me, I just had major surgery. She made the comment again today and I snapped back at her because I have been working out with him everyday. I'm tired of her acting like I'm just sitting on my a** all day and that I need to lose weight. Maybe these comments don't seem like such a big deal, but when I get it from her all the time and the tone she takes, it really starts to hurt my feelings. 

Sorry guys I just needed to get this off my chest. I talked to my husband about it a couple of days ago and he come to my defense today, but I really just want it to stop. The only problem is that I am non-confrontational, so I will never say anything and I've asked my husband not to say anything either. So I guess I am just stuck feeling like this forever.    

 Anyone else have a MIL who changed into a different person after the baby was born? If so, what kind of s*** do you get from her and how are you handling it? 

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