Single Parents


A judge ordered ex to pay child support in our case back in Nov. I found out that he is appealing it. He has had a child since I had our son. He has not paid me anything what-so-ever, but wants to have this amount lowered because he has another family to take care of.

I also had a job change so my income has gone up significantly since Nov. We go back to court friday for the appeal. My question is this...has anyone been through an appeal case, and do I need a lawyer this time? When it was just the CS hearing we were done in less that 20 minutes tops, but now I think things are about to get tricky. I read up on previous cases about this issue (parent is now a parent to another family) and they all say its "depending on the judge".

And if I don't need to get a lawyer for this, do I bring in all the emails/texts/letters he sent to me declaring that he wasn't going to pay a dime out of his pocket for our "b#stard child"? I honestly thought this would be an open and shut issue, but he is trying to leave his stamp everywhere possible. 

Thanks in advance for any information!

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