Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Tell me about your first period...

I had to start BC early (nuvaring) at 4 weeks PP. I also breastfeed. At 6 1/2 weeks PP, I had some brownish spotting that had lasted until yesterday at 7 weeks PP. I had to take out my ring yesterday so, on a normal cycle, I would have my period this week (I was on the ring for a year before I got pregnant and know what to expect with my body during a normal cycle). Today, I'm having some bright red spotting. So we're going on 5 days of spotting, breastfeeding, on BC, at 7 weeks.

Just wanted to know how it was like for everyone else. It's just been so long (aside from that crazy after birth bleeding) since I've had a normal period!

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