2nd Trimester

Apple Cider Vinegar??

So I need some advice.... I am having horrible acid reflux!  I had it with my first pregnancy really bad but not until my third trimester.  This go-round I'm suffering every night.  I was eating Tums like candy and taking Pepcid every day but neither really helped.  Last night my mom told me to swallow a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before I went to bed.  It was the nastiest thing I ever put in my mouth.  I felt like I was drinking Easter egg dye but like magic my indigestion was gone!  So here I am tonight dying again so I psyched myself up and took another shot of it.  15 minutes later reflux gone!  I keep seeing mixed things online regarding whether or not it's safe to drink during pregnancy.  Has anyone else used it for reflux? And if so does anyone know if it has the same effect if I dilute it?
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