2nd Trimester

Shopping on CL

Anyone else bought gently used items off CL? This is the route my DH wants to go & was totally for...In fact we've already bought a few things...

Until he & I watched that TV show Infested one night (bed bug episode)... Yesterday it kinda clicked despite the fact we're saving $, by purchasing items off CL we're increasing the risk of possibly contaminating our home (which in the long run is a huge headache in comparison to the $ we save now)...

Not that I would buy from a dirty individual (much less set foot in their home)~but after I saw that episode, you don't even have to be a 'dirty' person to get bed bugs...& the chance to get bed bugs is at an all time high. IDK before I talk to him about this I wanted to get opinions from fellow bumpies.

Are there specific items you'd buy vs another? IE furniture vs clothing, etc.

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