3rd Trimester

crib to twin question?

We currenty have a crib at our house and one at my parents that both convert to full beds.  We need to get another bed of some form to use with the new baby.  Originally, we planned to get DD a toddler bed at our house so her crib could go to her brother and keep a crib at my parents since they will watch them both. 

Will she be able to stay in a toddler bed until the baby is ready for one and then we can convert her bed into a full?  She will be just shy of 3 1/2 when he is born so I guess that would be over 5 when he's ready for a toddler bed.  My husband started debating buying another crib so we don't have to worry about it but that seems silly.  I also hate to have this extra convertible full size bed when realistically the house we are in now and any house we hope to move into this summer when we try selling will probably not have a third bedroom big enough for a full bed. 

Are we better off buying a twin bed and moving DD into it right now?  Then the baby can use it as his bed assuming his room won't be big enough for a full once he's out of a toddler bed?

 Are there any brands that make crib-twin convertible cribs that we could just get instead???


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