Single Parents

Should I be mad?

So I have been seeing this guy for about a month now.  In the past couple of weeks we have been having a hard time getting together and I can't decide if I should be mad or not. 

Last Sunday he had to go see his family about 3 hours away and we had plans to meet up after he got back.  Well, it took a lot longer than he thought and he didn't get home until about 10pm.  I had told him that I would come to him (he lives about an hour away) because I didn't have to be anywhere Monday morning.  I guess he didn't believe me so when he didn't ask me to come I assumed he didn't want me to. 

Then he left on a work trip for the whole week and he couldn't really call me at all just a few texts here and there.  He got back last night, again a little later than he anticipated but still it was only about 7pm.  I asked him the day before if he wanted to get together or if he thought he would be too tired. (He was putting a lot of hours in...) He said he wanted to see me then last night he is too tired.  That's fine, I was dissapointed but just don't tell me you will come over when you know you will be tired and won't want to. 

He asked me to call him this morning so I did on my way to church.  He doesn't answer.  He called about 1pm which is fine because he knew I was in church.  Then he won't even confirm for tonight.  He said he doesn't want to let me down again.  (And it's not like he is doing anything today that would keep him from coming over) Making plans and canceling at the last minute is just as annoying as keeping me waiting around for a call.  I am almost tempted to make other plans....

On top of this we haven't had sex in about 2 weeks and mama has needs!  (Yes, I know we've only been dating a month and we did move kind of fast on that front.  Please don't judge, that's not the issue here.) So what do you think?  I know there are a lot of extenuating circumstances that were beyond his control but I can't help but be a little upset that I haven't gotten to see him....

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