Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Bedtime and sleeping

Hi Guys, looking for opinions and helpful ideas. Let me just say I am well aware that filling up my son's belly with a ton of food will not make him sleep through the night and that is not at all what we are trying to accomplish, we just want him to be able to sleep peacefully like he had been doing.

Since we brought him home from the hospital we have always woken him up and fed him a bottle before WE go to sleep around 10:00-10:30 and he would sleep straight through until 4:30 am even when he was just a couple weeks old.

At his last dr appointment his ped. mentioned  that we should not wake him up to feed him. We should feed him around 8:00 and then put him to bed and that would probably get him to sleep peacefully through the night. We have tried this for about a week and he has actually been sleeping pretty badly! We put him down around 8:00 and he's up at 1:30, 3:30, 4:30, 6:00....and then we just give up and get up with him then. We fed him at 3:30 and he still wasn't able to settle down and go back to sleep and he just screamed for the rest of the night.

I'm thinking that because he's not getting that last bottle he's hungry and ravenous so he's not calming down and peacefully sleeping.

What do you guys think, what has been your experience? To my way of thinking if he sleeps longer and very peacefully with that 10:00 bottle we should wake him up and give it to him and maybe not having that last bottle of the day is leaving him hungry if we put him down at 8:00?


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