3rd Trimester

Anyone else have mild PIH? (long)

I was sent to the hospital for a second time to have them monitor me and baby, do bloodwork, and this time a 24 hr urine collection.  I stayed over night so they ended up doing blood work twice while I was there.  Blood work and urine came back fine, also my bp was good ever since I had been admitted.  I think the highest was 138/89 but it was lower than that throughout the 24 hrs I was there.  I haven't had headaches, blurred vision, or pain in my side - all which can indicate pre-e.  

My question is this - I had an extremely stressful week - dh had a horrific acccident last Friday and rushed to the ER.  He had fallen down a flight of 20 stairs at work and had a huge cut on his head.  The call i rec'd said that he was bad and to get to the hospital quick - of course i thought the very worst w/ that little of information.  My closest family is 3 hrs away so a friend rushed me to the hospital.  He ended up getting staples in his head but all in all he was fine - he could have broken his neck - so many worse possibilities.  But it was frightening.  He does so much for me so after he was released I was watchful over him the next couple days - doing the cooking, grocery shopping, etc.  I was told to rest as much as possible b/c of swelling but I really had no choice.  So long story short - I know I over did it this last week but I really didn't feel like I had a choice.  I tried to take breaks and I cried a lot b/c I realize how fortunate I am to have the husband I have...if anything had happened to him it would just devastate me.  Ok - fast forward to this past Friday - dh had a business trip and I had a friend to stay w/ me while he was gone.  I felt fine and I dropped him off at the airport and then rushed over to my dr appt. as they were keeping a close eye on me for bp and swelling.  My feet were swollen and my bp was the highest it's ever been!  160/110.  So that's when i was sent to the L&D for a second time.

My question is this...I feel like the week I had warrants the high bp - as soon as I got to the hospital it was much lower and remained that way the entire time I was there.  Plus the fact that I had just dropped my husband off at the airport and on my way to a dr appt on my own for the first time during this pregancy - I think anxiety could possibly explain the elevated bp esp since it was down so much once in the hospital.  Am I crazy to think this way?  

I feel good - just wondering if there are any tips for keeping my bp down?  I've kept my feet elevated all weekend and the swelling is gone.  So I feel like I really need to do what I can to keep my bp down at a safe level.  

 Can anyone relate to all this?   


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