3rd Trimester

Best Cousin EVER!!!

My family put together a small shower for us to be able to include some of our friends in the area...my cousin...well, I just have to brag about her for a second!

She brought with her the first diaper cake she had ever made - it was awesome!  We did not go through all of the items in the "cake" until after guests had left - we did make it one of our centerpieces, and some folks polked around at its contents. 

What made it special is how utterly thoughtful each item contained within was...on the top and middle layers, she had hidden onesies that were hockey-themed - the third layer contained a cute little bib that said "Hockey Baby."  If you haven't guessed by now, hockey is a family passion.  The best part about the middle and bottom layers - they were created using a bottle of Molson Canadian - my hockey beer of choice - as the centering piece. When we saw this, my husband and I both got a good laugh - that bottle is being saved for the day we come home from the hospital! 

It was a really nice time - we are very thankful - and I just had to share...I think I am going to need to get something like a "Best Cousin EVER" t-shirt for this awesome lady!  Hope you are all having a nice weekend!! 

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