Babies: 0 - 3 Months

TMI - bleeding after c-section - need advice

help! need some advice. had a c-section almost 4 weeks ago. second c-section. been steady bleeding - not too much though and a gradual decline over the last few weeks. tonight i was sitting on the couch and felt a gush. went to the restroom and had lots of blood in my pants. also had some chunky discharge (larger than clots) that looked and had the consistency of chicken liver. i never had this with my first section. i quit bleeding in less than 2 weeks. anyone experienced anything like this? dr. office is closed so i can't call it in to ask. i am not in any pain nor have i been cramping. just concerned due to the blood amount and the funky chunky stuff. i thought i should be done by now. please help!

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