Single Parents

Can he get unsupervised visitation?? Also alimony . . (kinda long . . . )

I was beyond ecstatic when I saw this board started as I need this. NEVER thought I'd be in this sitch, EVER . . . as I'm sure many others here feel . . .

So my DH has decided, after 6 years of marriage, he wants to be my XH, just 4 months after I've given him the child he's always wanted (sigh). Late last year, when DD was a few days shy of 3 months, he has a 'temper tantrum' of sorts and goes into our living room/kitchen and starts banging things around before yelling at me, kicking me out for 5 minutes (all the while DD is crying/fussing inside and I'm terrified of something happening), then yelling at me when I get back in. I had to go out that night, so of course I take DD with me, and we didn't come back that night; I wanted him to cool off. So later, he decides he doesn't want us to come back, however, he wants to be able to pick up DD to spend the day together, without me, but she's not that used to him (he was acting weird and out all the time while we lived there), she's breastfeeding and doesn't really take to a bottle of pumped milk, plus, with his past temper (temper flared up frequently back in '05/'06), talks of suicide and the fact he suffers from depression but really doesn't want to seek treatment, I'm afraid for her safety. He's threatened to take me to court for his visitation rights (I don't believe he wants any custody really; he only speaks of visitation), so I'm worried. Can he get unsupervised visitation?? I know he loves her, but I'm just afraid his instability could cause problems, I'd die if anything happened my little princess. This is crazy, because not only do I have to deal with the heartbreak of him wanting a divorce, but this too.

 PLUS, after he totalled my car last year, he got a new car, and now I have no access to that, and have to live out of my old bedroom in my mother's house with DD, but he thinks he owes me absolutely nothing. I have no job, no car, no home. Doesn't he HAVE to pay some kind of alimony?? At least until I get back on my feet??

This is all so new to me so please, any and all info would be greatly appreciated. TIA


P.S. What does "STBXH" mean??? I know XH, but whats the "STB" part? Lol, yea, u can tell I'm a newbie

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