Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Stuffy Nose?

DS has had a stuffy nose pretty much since birth. We saw the Pedi at 3 weeks and she said it was just his body adjusting to the change in humidity in his environment (100% humidity in the womb vs. dry air in the outside world). She suggested getting a humidifier and using saline drops. We got a humidifier right away and it's been helping, but even with that and the saline drops (used at least once a day, usually with a nasal aspirator to clear the boogers out) DS is STILL stuffy at 9 weeks. It gets so bad sometimes that he can barely breathe while nursing and is seems like he holds his breath, takes a few gulps, pulls himself away to catch a breath, then starts nursing again. The saline drops usually help, but not without him screaming because they are uncomfortable. Is this normal to still be stuffy at 9 weeks?
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