Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Is it wrong for me to feel this way?

I just delivered our first child 2 wks ago so our DS is only 2wks old. My DH and I have been in his moms house for months because we relocated to another state and have been in the process of finding an apt and a new job. Well my DH has a great new job and we found an apt which all this is recent (we got the apt in December and DH started a new job 3 wks ago). All of our LO's things are settled in the apt but my DH and I don't have a bed yet. We are getting everything this coming week (thank god!). Since DS has been born, family has been around which is great but now I just want it to be me and my baby. The only time my DS and I are alone is during the day when DH and mother-n-law is at work. But for me that's not enough. I'm still healing from the delivery because I was torn and I haven't been alone alone with my baby yet.

Am I in the wrong for feeling this way?

Is it wrong for me to feel like I need to be isolated from everyone except me and my baby?

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