Single Parents

Still trying to manipulate me, it's getting kinda funny.

So STBXH had his friend 'pass on a message' to me. Supposedly he said that he will do ANYTHING I ask of him if I don't go through with the divorce, he will never drink again and do any classes I require of him. He just doesn't want to lose the family he loves so much. Funny thing is that these are all promises he made me numerous times before and has never once kept. What makes this time any different?

Then at the end of the conversation his friend told me that he said that if I go through with the divorce completely then we are totally done forever and he will never come back to me and I will have lost him. I literally started laughing. Isn't that the entire point of a divorce? I left you because you are a psychotic abusive drunk and have no intention of coming back. Nice try at trying to manipulate me once again. Dumbshiit.

Just had to share, men can be so stupid.


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