3rd Trimester

How Does This All Go Down?

With my first, he was 5 weeks preterm, and spent an agonizing 3 weeks in the NICU. Even though my dr warns I'm very likely to go into preterm labor again, we are trying to prevent that with bedrest. I'm determinded to keep this baby in full term!

That being said, how does it actually work when you have a healthy full term baby? Do you get to keep him in your room the whole time until you get the ok to go home? And what about clothes while he's there, do I just take over from the time he gets to be in my room and dress and diaper him? And when you have a healthy baby, do they still monitor heart rate and breathing and body temp and everything just to be sure, or do they just know that your baby is healthy and its just you and baby, no wires or sticky pads or anything?

Just curious kinda what to expect.

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