3rd Trimester

Weight Gain

Just looking for some opinions on a weight gain issue I'm having. I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks last year, and during that time I had a humongous appetite- I gained 30 lbs in 14 weeks! I am currently eating 4-5 meals a day, and snacks anytime I feel hungry. I am not dieting, or in any way even watching my calories...I made some normal, reasonable changes that many women make when they find out they are pregnant- eating more fruits and veggies and limiting my caffeine intake...Still- I have gained only one pound in 30 weeks. I know this isn't ideal, but I don't really think it's that unreasonable considering my medical history...Baby has measured in 50+% at each sono (I had 5) and my belly is actually measuring 2 week AHEAD...I say as long as baby is healthy, it's probably fine...My doctor is starting to treat me like I'm starving myself and my baby, which I think is just ridiculous...Anyone else have limited weight gain? Is your doctor freaking out? Thanks for 'listening'!
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