
c/s rant

I can't hold this in any more.

I am no less of a woman because I had a c section.

I am no less of a mother because I had a c section.

I do not need to push a child out of my vagina to prove my womanhood.

 I am so tired of getting the side eye every time I talk about my birthing experience and the fact that I am choosing to have a repeat c section.  It's my choice, no one else's.  I am doing what is safest for me and my child.  Who are you to judge me? 

I know the "ideal" image of the birthing experience is to labor naturally and have this glowing moment at the end where the dr hands you your baby.  That doesn't happen for everyone.  Honestly, I think it rarely happens.  Labor and delivery are messy and unexpected things come up.  In this day and age society is pushing on us that natural labor and birth are the only way to go.  While I would have liked to not be cut open, that wasn't in the cards for me.  I don't need anyone to make me feel bad about that.  I made a baby and that's pretty amazing regardless of how the baby left my body.

Sorry for the rant.  I just get so frustrated sometimes.  Being pregnant, labor and delivery aren't easy things to go through.  I don't know why people need to make the whole experience more difficult by making us feel guilty or bad about the choices that we made, or that may have been made for us.  I think we are trying to raise our children the best we can with what we have.

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