2nd Trimester

Used breastpump

My sister had used her very nice 300 breast pump maybe 20 times total, before she decided to just do formula instead. I did not see a problem for using her breast pump after her- maybe because she is my sister and I know she is healthy, and she did not use it for very long. Also, my mother bought it for her, so since she hardly used it, she really wanted me to be able to.

Well, my sisters friend had a baby, so my sister lent it to her. Her baby is about 4 months now. I'm assuming she's used it a lot, but she knows that my mom and sister wanted me to be able to use it by May when my baby comes, so she was planning on giving it back by then. I have known her since I was 10, she is a close family friend, I know she is healthy, I know you can clean the pumps and get new tubes (Even though I have heard the problem is that the milk can get into the motor and possibly contaminate?) so I feel like this shouldn't be a problem. But, I feel like it is and I should not be the 3rd person to use this pump. My Mom and sister don't understand why it could be a problem at all, and I can't seem to fully explain why either... I try to not have a problem with the idea of it, but I'm just not sure.

What do you think of all this?

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