2nd Trimester

Surprises are Best

Heres my 2 cents. 

It seems I see a lot of posts about what everyone is expecting. "Its a ... BOY!!" or "Its a ... GIRL!!"

Honestly, I dont care. Not about what everyone else is having, its cool if you want to know the gender. I dont even have a hunch, and dont bother to dwell on it.
My personal feeling is no one in the world (cept maybe the ultrasound tech who wont tell me anyway) will know the sex of my child until the day it is born. I refer to my baby as "my baby" not "him" or "her" because I will be happy with eighter and in the future, with any combination of children life gives me.

You cant change it, and no "tests" or "chinese charts" will give you 100% acuracy anyway.

There are so few surprises left in life. Let this be one of them.

~?~ Chellezy ~?~ Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers
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