Upstate NY Babies

Good 2 Month Checkup

Callie had her two month checkup on yesterday and the Dr. said she looked great! She weighs 12 lbs 4 oz (64%) and is 23 inches long (50%) already! Teagan wasn't 23 inches until her 4 month checkup, so little sis is a much bigger girl! We had some concerns about her possibly having torticollis because she almost always has her head turned or tilted to the right, but the Dr. checked her neck and said he felt no tension in it at all and therefore said he would rule out torticollis. He said many babies just have a preference of which direction they like to look and he said strangely the direction they prefer to looks ends up having a connection to what hand they if they always look left they will be left handed, etc. So we got all good news!
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