Babies: 0 - 3 Months

crying for five hours

LO has reflux...started zantac yesterday...i also give him colic calm. he has been crying and screaming for hours.  this is not like him...althought he is very fussy he usually doesnt cry for very long.  he only stops when he is eating.  he produces burps, farts....poops.  I massage, bicycle legs, swaddle, rock, sing, bounce, bathe, burp again etc.  i am at my wits end crying myself.  DH is trying so hard but i cant handle the crying.  he looks miserable and i just had to lock myself in the bathroom to cry so LO doesnt pick up on my upset energy.  Will he eventually cr himelf asleep?  i have been and DH has not put him down for more than a few minutes.  He currently has the hiccups so he is unable to cry for a few....imm starting to think i have PPD ut the reality is that when baby is happy i am happy.  When he is like this i feel my milk is poisoning him and i cant fix it.  sorry for the vent im just losing it!

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