Babies: 0 - 3 Months

LO wont nap and wants to be held all the time!!

I have been having a devil of a time trying to get DS to nap this past week. He will fall asleep with me holding him but the second I put him in his bouncy/swing/boppy he is awake and crying. It makes it impossible to get him to take a nap or to get some sleep myself. I have thought about swaddling him during naps but is that too much swaddling if I also swaddle at night (we use the halo sleep sack so his legs arent swaddled). I have tried trying to let him settle himself but he will keep screaming. I also have a Baby Bjorne but am afraid that it will make the problem worse and he will always want to be with me.

I am having trouble getting things done especially since I start back to work on Monday. I work at home and only work a couple of hours a day, but if he will nap on his own without me having to hold him it will make things so much easier, plus I might be able to sleep some myself.

I am starting to get overwhelmed with the situation and dont know what to do. I also dont want him to get used to me holding him all day. Has anyone else experienced this? What  did you do?

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