Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Double ear infection...and so it begins.

I went back to work on the 3rd and had to put my LO in daycare, otherwise known as the germ pool.

All went well the first week other than learning a new schedule and routine to get us ALL ready, fed, and out the door.

Monday he vomited up two bottles and was diagnoised with a 24 hour tummy, we did 24 hours of clear liquids and 24 hours of a soy formula.  He was able to keep everything down but the soy formula really made him constipated.  4 days later he finally had two dirty diapers and was back to his old self.

This morning I dropped him off at daycare and went to my office (daycare is on the same campus where I work)...2 hours later I get a call that he has a 101.6 fever.  Off to the pedi we go!!

Now he has a double ear infection, FUN!  Poor boy has been miserable all week and now this!

So far his temp seems to be gradually coming down, thank goodness.  The hardest part is giving him the meds and making sure he doesnt spit them back out,,,anyone know if I can put the 1/2 teaspoon of antibotiocs in a 1oz bottle of pedialtye or formula to ensure it gets down?

I hope all of you wonderful mommies and babies have a good weekend!

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