2nd Trimester

fetal heart calcification (echogenic foci)


I found this board in the hopes that others have encountered this and so I will not feel so utterly scared and alone. 

I went in for my 2nd trimester "big" ultrasound (measuring anatomy and determining gender). 

We so happy to find out we are having a little girl (would have been happy with a boy, too-really we were just happy to find out the gender so we could pick a name and get some clothes for the little one). 

Then, we find out that that they found the above abnormality. 

I know this means with my maternal age (35) and this soft marker we are now faced with the possibility of having a baby with down's syndrome or some other chromosomal abnormality.

I had no genetic testing. I am kicking myself because I should have gone ahead with it, but didn't do it.

I visit the high risk ob-gyn next week, and now I am faced with whether to do an amnio or not. My husband does not want to do it.

I asked him what we would do if the baby was born with Down's syndrome and he will only say "we will deal with that when it comes". I don't think this is a realistic way of dealing with things...and I have no idea what to do. 

My feeling is to get the amnio, find out for sure and deal with it. If is Down's we make some decisions about health care and doctors and what needs to be done, rather than trying to play catch up.

Has anyone else had this abnormality and what have you done in the situation? Am I stupid to want to deal with this, rather than just waiting it out? I am just so lost...and a little sad, too (okay, alot sad), and mad at myself, too. 

I was so excited after the appt. to find out the gender and go shopping for my little girl...and now I am scared and frightened and don't really know what to do.

Sorry this is so long...and thanks to anyone who cares to respond. I greatly appreciate it.  Thank you.

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