3rd Trimester

XP from Feb board: Hospital Tour same time as Championship Game

So my DH in his own words is frustrated that our scheduled hospital tour is at the same time the championship game between the Patriots (His favorite team) and the Ravens.... Jan 22nd

No one is to blame why our tour is scheduled for this day and time other than the fact we together waited until the last min to register for one. His first reaction was to reschedule it for another date, however the next availble date is practically 1 week from my due date and im sorry but thats just cutting it too close for me, so no rescheduling for me

Were FTP and both agreed this is something we want to do and know it will be very informative....so with that said Im a little annoyed that he is soo mad, we all have to make sacrifices and this may be one of them. I told him that he has the choice to not go and ill just go with my parents...even though deep down inside im thinking if he doesnt go his priorities are messed up and I KNOW for a fact that I will be mad if he doesnt, AND i dont want him badgering me for information when I get back, information he would know himself he would just go with me...

Anyway what are your thoughts?? should I be mad if he doesnt go? should I just let him stay and watch the game? Is he being selfish?

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