2nd Trimester

In The Hospital (Really Scared)

I went in to get my PICC line removed today. I had it because I had been diagnosed with hyperemesis and it had been put in because I needed to have phenergan (anti-nauseant) continuously. Anyway, I went today to have it taken out while there I mentioned to my doctor that I've been having cramps that have gone on and off the past couple days but they had gotten worse (but not like crazy worse) this morning. He said he'd take a look and he did and discovered that I'm in labor. He admitted me and I'm on IV medicine to help stop the labor. I'm scared beyond belief and would love some extra support and prayers. 

Thirty Tiny Toes: My Triplet Blog Pregnancy Ticker NT Scan at 13 weeks 99% sure it's B/G/G! Contractions at 15 weeks and cerclage put in.
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