2nd Trimester

Negative Friend--Suggestions needed

So I have a friend that is very outwardly spoken about not liking kids and not wanting a baby--ever. Fine whatever to each there own, but most of her comments or actions lead me to belive that once my baby is born we won't be able to remain friends.

 As soon as I posted about my pregnancy on FB, she posted a long rant on why cats are better than children (her cats are her babies, fine I have cats that I love too). Then one of our other friends put soemthing on FB asking when her NB would be 1 month (at 4 weeks or the day of the next month). Not the most exciting post, but she was curious. So this morning I got a message from my frist friend telling me "not to be crazy like our friend" who posted the month question.

I simply responded that I dont' think she is crazy. Now my first friend is what I like to I like to consider high maintenance. She can be a pain if things don't go her way...she also has what I call FB dairrhea (she posts everything that comes into her mind mainly about her cats, school, and what she is eating).

We also have another friend who is due a week before me, so I am not sure if she is just acting out a bit since two of her friends are getting ready for a life change that she will not be going through (and doesn't want to) or what she is doing, but it is kind of upsetting me and I don't know what to do, so that I don't rock the boat with our core group of friends.

 Any help/suggestions are welcome.

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