Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Hi all

My almost 8 week old started sharting a lot this week. Frequently too. It seems to be at every diaper change.

He is 100% formula fed using Ready To Feed since using the powder formula caused constipation. He has been on Ready To Feed for 4 weeks now. He poops once or twice a day. The BM is passed without pain or discomfort. It is watery, yellow brown with yellow seeds - just like its supposed to be in the pictures they show you so we are happy about that.

However, the sharting. He rarely ever sharted before. Its causing me some concern because his butthole is starting to get reddish with irritation. I suppose its caused by both the fecal matter drying on his tender skin and  the need to wipe it clean. I try to be vigilant with diaper changes and gentle with wiping, now utilizing a dap motion rather than a true wipe/scrape.

What do you ladies think? Do I need to be worried? I am considering making a dr appt.

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