Babies: 0 - 3 Months

9 week old waking up every 2 hours

My LO is 9 weeks old and we are having the hardest time with him sleeping. It takes almost 2 hours each night to put him down so he does not fall asleep until about 10 pm. ONce asleep, the longest stretch he will go without crying is 3 hours. Often he wakes up every hour. We have tried swaddling and it made no difference. he is so active and he broke out of it. I am breastfeeding but have changed to bottles mostly because i need to go back to work in 2 weeks.  He takes a bottle well and he is eating often during the day. He is almost 12 pounds and just does not sleep long. It takes several tries to get him to sleep in the crib. He almost has to be dead asleep on my shoulder or in the swing for us to put him in the crib otherwise he wakes up and immediately starts yelling. We have done white noise as well.  We really need to get a longer stretch of sleep especially since i am going back to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?  Please tell me he will grow out of this soon! I keep reading about babies STTN or even longer stretches at almost 8 weeks and he is nowhere there.  He is a great baby, super alert and smiling. He just doesn't want to go to sleep and instead takes little naps at night.

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