Single Parents

Might Be Doing This Alone...

While I was at work yesterday, the boyfriend decided to move out.  I was unaware this was even on his mind.  We had been fighting since last Saturday due to him going to a bar with an ex "hook up" while I was working my second job.  He called her up and payed for her drinks when she said she was broke.  He insists that he has done nothing and this move was simply to cool off from the arguments.  He wants to continue the relationship and see what happens this week.  I don't know what to think.  There has been shady behavior the past 4 days and I'm really only going on "women's intuition" at this point.  Making sure he took the condoms we haven't used in 6 months wasn't a promising act of trust either.  I'm six months pregnant and this happened yesterday.  Any advice?
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