2nd Trimester

Good book recommendation

When I was pregnant before, I read every book about pregnancy/babies that I could get my hands on (as I'm sure most of us did/are still doing). Most of them were useless, some pushy/preachy, others just common sense stuff I didn't need to read. The one book I really liked was Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five by Dr. John Medina. It is not a book about how to get your kid into Harvard, but it has a lot of really interesting information about how a baby's brian develops and what influences IQ and happiness. The author is a developmental molecualr biologist, so it's not a preachy parenting book. It talks about the science behind brain development and why, anthropologically speaking, babies develop the way they do. It is an easy read (for those of us who no longer have time or energy to do much reading) and surprisingly relatable considering it is written by a scientist. He uses examples and stories from raising his own kids and from people posting on websites like TB. Having studied child development when getting my Masters in Early Childhood Education, I just found the info in this book really interesting. I am re-reading it now when DD naps and I just thought you might all like it too. It talks about development from pregnancy until 5 years old, so if you can't find the time now it's still probably worth reading in the future. So enjoy!

Anyone else have a great book to recommend?

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