2nd Trimester

Great appt yesterday!

Our a/s went great yesterday!  We had a happy healthy baby jumping all around in there! She was waving at us and reacting to the wand, too cute! The perinatologist said everything looked great and we'll continue to see them once a month for ultrasounds until birth because I have Factor V.  They also confirmed we're having a girl!!! Hubby and I couldn't have been more happy walking out of that appointment. 

We went to Babies R Us afterwards to start on our registry.  We ended up walking around for 2 hours really not quite knowing yet everything we wanted to register for.  I've done research on big items, but not really so much on small things and it was all very overwhelming once we started!  I realized dh was scanning the first girl items he saw, and I was getting aggravated until I remembered I can just go online and adjust as I need to lol. 

To top off the night, lo was very active once we got home and were lying on the couch.  I told dh to put his hand on my belly where she kept kicking on one side, but he didn't believe he would be able feel it at all.  So he pushes down on my belly (a little hard!) and she immediately kicked the crap out of him!  He jumped back with a huge grin like "omg I she just kicked me!" I could not stop giggling it was so cute!  She has never actually "kicked" hard before, I think she was just in a perfect spot for us to feel it.  What a great day we had!  And I'm halfway today, yay for 20 weeks!  I can't believe it!  Hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!! :)

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