2nd Trimester

Does This Strike You As Gift-Grabby?

Yesterday at lunch, four of us who were already moms were talking about all the stuff you accumulate from hand-me-downs. I mentioned that I have three bouncy seats, two infant tubs  and fifteen receiving blankets. 

There is a woman who is expecting in April who eats with us and I turned to her and said with a big smile, "you wouldn't happen to need anything like...oh....a bouncy seat, infant tub or about a dozen receiving blankets, would you?" :)  The other moms chimed in with what they had a million of.

We were kidding but not kidding. We'd happily bring things in to give her. Well, here was her reply:

"John and I actually do need a lot of stuff. We haven't even started shopping yet. We're registered at Amazon."

Then, this morning, I checked my Facebook and she had posted a link to her registry on my wall. Confused

So, am I just uber-critical or does that seem a bit gift-grabby to you?

ETA: Sorry, I think the math is confusing here. There are five women at the table. Four of us are moms and the woman I am referring to is a first time mom.  I think that point was relevant to some of you when replying. Sorry.

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