Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Feel Selfish

So my baby is 19 days old. DH wanted "attention" from like day 6 or so. He said we only had to do so maybe once a week but now he is asking everyday. I am exhausted and the past 2 days were my first days home alone as a FTM. I've helped him out about 3x now. He doesn't believe in doing it himself but lastnighthe got upset and just really hurt my feelings and said stuff like"fine I just wont touch you" and "we can just be distant" etc. He isn't jealous over the baby but he doesn't understand why he doesn't get access to my breasts whenever he wants (hello, they are sore and they leak when not in my bra!) and he doesn't get that asking me for those kinds of favors is the least of my desires as I adjust to my new role. I switch back and forth from feeling horrible and like a failure of a wife and mother to just plain ticked off at the lack of understanding (like why doesn't he come home and offer to rub my back or something?)Cant I just have some time to adjust and figure this motherhood stuff out??? Is that too much to ask?
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