Babies: 0 - 3 Months

My poor husband... (TMI)

Our son was 6 weeks old yesterday, so hubby and I tried to do the deed last night after he got home from work. He was wearing a lubricated condom and we even added some extra lube just in case to help with the discomfort, but he didn't even get in all the way before I was hurting a little. I tried not to let him see that I was uncomfortable, but I guess I didn't do such a good job, so he looked "down there" and there was a little bit of blood and he TOTALLY freaked out. He said "Oh my God, I'm hurting you! I can't do this!" and he totally gave up and rolled over. I felt so bad! He's been so good with our son and he's such a wonderful husband and I feel like he deserves some long-overdue fun in the sack, but now I think he's traumatized! Anybody else's hubby have the same reaction? What can I do to ease discomfort for me and convince him that he's not going to hurt me?!

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