2nd Trimester

Weight loss and nutrients

Since finding out that I was pregnant in November I've lost 20lbs.  10 to 15lbs of that was lost early in first tri due to morning sickness and since then its been just a gradual loss.  Now I did start out overweight at 190lbs.  Before getting pregnant my eating habits were A LOT of junk food, fried and greasy foods.  And I would only shove my face a couple times a day as opposed small meals every few hours. Now I don't crave sweets at all anymore and I eat a little every hour or two.  But I am worried that my babies aren't getting the nutrients they need since I'm still losing weight.  Any thoughts on this?
Married since June 2010
TTC #1 since 04/2011
3 abnormal PAPs and 2 colpo/biopsy since 09/2009
LEEP 05/2011
ASCUS PAP 08/2011 which means no PAP for 6 months!! YAY!!
BFP 11/6/11!! EDD: 7/15/12
1st u/s 11/21/11: TWINS!
16 wks 1/30/12: BOY and GIRL!
Schedualed c-section for 7/2/12 38wks 1day
Went into labor 6/25/12 37wks 1day. Delivered two healthy babies
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