Babies: 0 - 3 Months

leaving my son to go back to work


I just recently became a mom two months ago and have been on maternity leave since then. I am schedule to go back to work next Tuesday and I am having a hard time dealing with the idea of l leaving my son. My husband rearranged his work schedule so that he will be staying at home during the day on some of the days during the week and then my mom is going to watch my son on Wednesdays. I really feel like I should be the one staying home. My husband and I have talked about me staying at home. We have discussed that it would definitely impact our lifestyle because we wouldn''t have the money to do things for entertainment. We wouldn't be able to go out to eat whenever we wanted to go out. Even though we have worked out where I can work and my son is being cared for by my husband and my mom, I still feel like I should be the one staying home and caring for my son. Also, if I left my work, then I would lose my benefits. I guess I am feeling guilty for thinking about that aspect. How did you decide that it is better for you stay home vs work? I am having mixed feelings about what I should do. I could go part-time, but again my insurance wouldn't be as great as what it is when I am full time. It is only up to $10,000, so if I were to get pregnant again it will definitely not pay for my pregnancy. I wish they had the option at my work that if I was part-time that I can opt to pay for the full time insurance. I don't know what to do and could use some advice and encouragement. Thanks in advance

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