Delaware Babies

new mom, working full time and trying to start a business

I have always enjoyed photography and started to consider making it a career a few years ago.  Only recently, have I become serious about it, which is crazy because I already have a full time job!  Learning how to be a working mother is already very time consuming.

 The work thing seems to a bit of a catch 22 though; I do it so my son and I can have health insurance.  That's it.  My husband makes enough that we could squeak by without my income if it weren't for the extra cost of health insurance.  

 So now that Lukas is here, I am busting my butt, trying to become an entrepreneur and start a business, while working full time and maintaining my home and making time for friends and family.  

 At some point, my husband and I are going to have to make the decision to allow me to become a full time photographer and find health insurance else where.  I just wish it wasn't such a risky move and I already had the clientele established.  

 Any tips on how to find inexpensive health insurance or how to start a new business in Delaware would be appreciated!

(Feel free to check out my work at: or at 

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