3rd Trimester

bedrest ladies...how do u do it with little ones?

I'm so frustrated. I have an almost 5 year old ds, who obviously is very active. I'm on bedrest, and he goes to school during the day, but once I pick him up from school, I'm with him by myself for about 3 hrs until dh comes home. He wears me out obviously during that time,although I love our alone time. I just don't think dh gets it though. Ds was not feeling so well tonight (no fever, but he had a headache), and dh said, "well, tomorrow is fri, so u can just keep him home." Um, no dh. IF ds is sick tomorrow, then of course ill keep him home. But, if hes not, then he is going to school.I am on bedrest, and i am prob up more than I should be already. Ds is off from school monday, so I'm already going to be stretching myself then. Dh just looks at me like I'm nuts. I'm just frustrated. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I have a headache,and my back is killing me. I'm already spending a big partof my day answering work emails. I just feel stressed, and that cant be good for my bp! Ok, vent over!
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