2nd Trimester

T&P Please

I posted just below about having another u/s & how he didn' cooperate again so we'll need another.

On my way home from work, I got a call from my OB's office.  One of the docs talked with the radiologist & told me they had a concern.  He asked if they discussed anything with me.  I said that they stated they couldn't get all the views needed & that we'd probably have to go to a specialist since I was so far along.  He said yes, that was true but that wasn't the concern.  Apparently, it looks like #2 is missing toes on 1 foot.  He didn't say what this means if it's true but he's ordering another u/s for tomorrow or Monday (whenever the specialist can squeeze us in).

Needless to say, I've been a blubbering mess since I hung up with him (so please excuse any typos, I'm trying to correct them as I go).  I'm so scared that something is wrong & that, if he is missing toes, that it means there's a bigger problem.

I'm just asking for T&P that he's OK.

Dylan Gabriel 04/29/10 Aiden Drake 04/28/12
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