2nd Trimester

Some times I wish my family would just leave me alone

So over Christmas I had a huge blow out with my mom and baby sister. My mom, little bro, and sis all smoke heavily but they were insistent Christmas be at their house okay so I tell them that to avoid the smoke I wanted them to wash the wall in the room I was in and smoke outside  while I was there. I only asked about the wall because it was so caked on the just running in the house gets my hair and clothes smelling of it even if they arent home. They say they will I get there nope it wasnt done people are smoking in the house and while I am asking them to please take it outside they start treating me like garbage. Since then they all blew off my birthday and gender reveal. Okay fine their decision and even though it hurts I was going to just ignore it then my mom calls me and brings up Christmas and tries to tell me I'm a monster because I said the baby would not be over there if they didnt change their behavior because I'm not exposing my child to the smoke. Needless to say I had to hang up on her because she just kept hammer me. Next thing I know I'm on my couch crying because I dont understand why they are treating me this way. I have had 5 miscarriages and I am going to do everything I can to protect my baby
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