
C-Section Pain & Recovery Question

Sorry if this is redundant on this board, but I am really looking for some good answers!  Thank you! 

 It is looking more like I might have to have a c-section for this baby girl to arrive.  I have been diagnosed as macrosomic (large baby) and she is measuring in the 90th percentile for growth already (I will be 37 weeks tomorrow).  We are going to wait and see how I progress, but the doctor is concerned about the risk for shoulder dystocia and therefore is leaning toward a c-section, but is also OK with the wait and see approach for now.

I have never had an incision before nor have I ever had stitches.  So I am hoping that some ladies have had a c-section and can tell me how much pain I am going to be in.  I know I will have a good number of visitors, but when I am in pain I don't like to talk or be social. Also I was wondering about how long it takes to recover since DH pretty much has to go back to work right away.

 Thanks in advance.

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