Babies: 0 - 3 Months

milk/soy protein allergy

i was exclusively breastfeeding and at 4 weeks my daughter starting having blood in her stools. she was always extremely fussy & would develop a rash on her face when eating & have horrible gas and green, stringy poops. i never had a yellow seedy diaper with her. the dr suggested that i cut all dairy out of my diet.i did that & tried to cut soy as well (very difficult since so many things have soy). after another week, she still had the blood so i am now trying alimentum formula (no breast milk at all). she has been on this since the 16th & the blood/mucous is still there although the consistency of the poop is different.

 i'm worried that it something else, other than an allergy causing the blood since she has now had it since 1/6. has anyone else had this? how long did it take for the blood to clear after starting the alimentum. 

i am continuing to pump b/c i would like to eventually start bf'ing again (in combo w/ the alimentum & cutting out dairy/soy from my diet). i just worry that maybe it's not an allergy at all or maybe it's not even milk/soy she is allergic too.

they said she is too young to do allergy testing. i feel like it's all a guessing game. it's very frustrating.  

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