2nd Trimester

Dangerous Jobs while pregnant...(LONG Rant...sorry)

Does anyone have a job that could be dangerous to you or your baby during pregnancy?  Well I do....I am a school counselor.  Now before you start thinking, yeah right how is that dangerous, let me explain.  I work with severly emotionally distrubed children.  Every child in my program has severe behavioral problems, including aggression.  As a part of my program we regularly perform physical interventions on these children when their aggressive behaviors put themselves or others at risk.  (Please I am not trying to start a debate about whether doing holds is appropriate or not).  This is my 3rd pregnancy at this job, with my first two, once I hit the 13 week mark I did not take part in any holds in an effort to keep myself and the baby safe.  Well this time around I am not so lucky! I have had to to two extremely aggressive holds today within twenty mins of each other.  Normally I wouldn't take part in them and my team of teachers is very good about not expecting me to restrain kids.  But today has been a different type of day.  I found myself in a situation with one other teacher and a child who was acting very aggressive (throwing chairs, kicking teachers, pushing, biting, etc).  These kids were both on the bigger side and very strong.  Due to this, one person alone could not restrain the kids, so I had to step in and help.  Let me tell you, it is hard to hold a chld and keep them safe, when you are also trying to protect yourself and your ever growing belly! 

 Uggh....sorry for the long rant, I am just so sick of my job!  Any one else????

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