2nd Trimester

Just need to let off some steam...

I have been feeling very down lately for multiple reasons and I'm hoping getting it all out will help me feel a little better. So here it goes...

I was hired on as a temp at my job at the same time as another guy and now after 6 months he has been hired on and is moving up already. It's a long story but basically I don't feel like I was given a fair chance. In a way I think it was sexist that I was put into the "receptionist" position whereas he was geared more towards sales (which I was not told when interviewing for the position). Now that I'm getting work from him, I just get depressed and don't even want to be here. I feel like I should be moving up like he is. Also, I was conveniently told that I wasn't getting hired a less than a week after I told my boss about being pregnant...strange eh?

Not only that but I'm sad that I can't feel baby yet. It's hard to hear about how all these other women can feel their LO all the time and I know it's coming but I wish it was now! lol In a way, being a FTM, I feel like I need the confirmation to know that the baby is okay and not getting that is still hard for me.

I'm also having body issues...I've struggled with weight well, forever, and although I know that now it's a whole new ball game, I still feel unhappy with myself. I wish that I would have been in better shape before becoming pregnant.

It's hard to talk to my SO about some of this stuff, he knows about work issues but I don't think he knows how much it's bothering me and I'm not really comfortable talking to him or anyone really about my weight issues.

It seems like everything always hits at once too and once I'm already feeling down about one thing another comes along to make it that much worse...

Sorry for the long vent, just needed to get it all out!

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