2nd Trimester

Epi Article (LIP) - For moms who want one but are scared by what others say

I'm one of those "do what works for you" kinna people.  If you want to go natural, bless you.  If you want a c/s for whatever reason, have at it.  If you want an epi, go for it.

With my son, I was induced (he was almost 2wks late & was getting big) & had an epi.  I was admitted at 11:45am & had him at 10:25pm same day.  From all the horror stories I heard about inductions & epi's, I felt that was a pretty fast delivery (esp considering he was super stubborn & NEVER dropped).

To moms out there that are like me & don't do well with pain so they want an epi but have been hearing horror stories about how bad epi's are, here's an article to check out that might help.  It's not a medical article, just an article by a woman who did some research about epi's while pregnant because she didn't know if it was "OK" to get an epi.

"The Truth About Epidurals: Are They Really So Bad?"

(disclaimer:  this post is in no way meant to tell other moms that they SHOULD get an epi.  This is just an article I found interesting & felt others might be interested as well.  Again, "do what works for you", be it natural, epi or c/s)

Dylan Gabriel 04/29/10 Aiden Drake 04/28/12
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