Babies: 0 - 3 Months

At my wits end...what a night!

Monday morning my LO projectile vomited up 2 of his morning bottles.  I took him to the Pedi who said there was a 24 hour bug going around...he said the bug wasnt too bad but it can make them vomit and may or may may not come with diarehha.  He put him on 24 hours of clear liquids followed by 24 hours of soy formula.

We did this and he seemed to be feeling better.  We have had plenty of wet diapers and a good poopy diaper Monday night.  Last night he was out of control...screaming, grunting, unable to get comforable.  He would eat and burp well but did not want to be put down.  The screaming was awful, I felt like a huge failure and I had no idea what to do.  We tried bycicle legs, belly rubs, etc...nothing worked expect finally skin to skin with  him laying in a ball on my chest.  I finally got him to sleep around 10pm and he slept like a champ, all the way to 6am.

This morning I called the pedi again and advised that the last poopy diaper we had was Monday and I thought he was consitaped, hence the grunting, etc.  He suggested pedialyte, which we were already doing, along with half of a pediatric suppository.  I inserted that and now its wait and see.

 I feel so helpless.  He is not running a fever, he is eating well, ears are clear, eyes are clear, tummy is not hard or anything.

I really have no clue what to do!!

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