
wanted to share my BF trouble with CS.

I am in my late 30's and this was my first baby. I had a scheduled CS due to her being stuck sideways and due to past complications. I was planning on BF and didn't have any back up plan. I did not get to attempt BF until she was 5 hours old due to her having a bottle to bring her blood sugar up. She did great but I didn't. I had NOTHING to give her. In classes all they say is your colostrum is there ready for baby at the start...um no! That is not the truth! We did all sorts of things and I didn't have a single drop! I got 2 drops while pumping on day 3 right before leaving the hospital.

At home we did whole system and then I would pump. I was told to pump every hour! I would get a few ounces sometimes and nothing the rest of the time. I was so tired and was constantly either feeding, cleaning the shield and tubing, pumping then cleaning those parts then starting all over. I found myself not eating so I could go pump...not good. I gave myself a day off with no pumping and I felt so much better. I am sad and disappointed in myself for not being able to do this for my daughter, but you have to think of your health too!

I felt for a week or so that I let her down. Not getting to experience labor and that special moment after delivery and then not being able to nurse. My body just didn't  know what to do. I was told afterward that it is not uncommon for these BF problems at my age, first baby and not laboring.  I was not told this before hand and wish I knew it was a possibility so I was mentally prepared and had some back up formula and bottles!


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